Monday, January 14, 2008

Pongalo Pongal - Prrrrr..

So now, its Happy Pongal time....

Happy Pongal?

What does it mean? Or should the question be What is pongal?

Long long ago, so long ago that no one knows how long ago, many people who could converse with the nature came to know the secrets of the universe.
In one such discovery of a secret, there was found an interesting phenomenon, that the earth has a small change at a certain point of the solar year. That small change was with relation to the sun. The day when this happens, was celebrated as Pongal. People cooked rice in milk and offered to the earth, sun, vegetation and food.

The path the sun travelled, altered slightly. In today's terms, we can identify the same as the tilt of the earth.

But then Ladies and Gentlemen, the realisation can be mocked at. Very interestingly, the point of the discovery reveals many new things.

How, did the older generation find the exact day of the change? (Going through the anciant texts, we find that this tilt of the earth matter was found and celebrated for atleast 9000 years - yes, human years)
How, did the people find out about the Butterfly Effect? (A small action, can influence the nature - total India used to celebrate this in the name of Pongal and Sankaranthi. This, in today's modern scientific terms can be described as 'the collective action probably had a miraculous effect on the nature, the climatic and environmental side too.')
Is there any connection between the rise in corruption, violance in the month of jan-feb and the entry of sun in capricon?

By the way, let us remember that this was the day which was celebrated originally as the pagen celebration for the God Mitras and later, slightly parasitic church with the 'Me too' attitude associated them with the pagens and celebrates the Christ-Mass on this day (Original english calender consisted of 10 months, July and Auguest came in later, that's why the date difference)
Do you think that this is some built up story? Sorry, read the bible, you will know that Yehovah - Jesus was born in the month of March.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

A few days ago, some one wished me "Happy Poojas".

I didn't understand and asked her,"'What do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean 'what do you mean by that?'"
With all caution not to hurt her I asked, "What do you mean by "Happy Poojas""

Her reply was simple "I don't know. If its navratri, you wish people like this. Isn't it?" and she left without waiting for a response.

Its interesting, I thought.
In a way, what she said was true.
If New year, you wish people, Happy New Year.
If Birthday, Happy Birthday.
If Marriage Anniversary, Happy Marriage day/x/y/z....

Good. I don't have any complaints.
But why to use the same format for a cultural celebration?
If its Eed (Id), we wish people Eed Mubharak - probably none of those reading this know the real meaning of this.
If Christmas, its Merry Christmas (Though the Bible mentions Christ's birth on march, we still don't have complaints either celebrating or wishing)

I don't have any complaints or am expressing any views about the above mentioned. But, the followers of the respective religions follow their protocol right. Why are we not so? Are we indifferent to the fact that we are today's living oldest culture?
Or are we ignorant about the right way of wishing people as how it should be?

In a few days, we are to celebrate a very old fesival Diwali/Deepavali. Is an exchange of Happy Diwali ok or should we say something else?

People who are still attached to the living roots know what and how the wish is to be.

On the day of Diwali, before sunrise, The Holiest River Ganga (The same river whose holy water was used to consecrate the US Parliament house's yearly beginning earlier this year.) is considered to be present in the water which we use to take bath (before sunrise.)
This is supposed to take place in a proper way-

Wake up atleast 90 minutes before sunrise,
Pray to Sun, Kuladevata, Ishtadevata, the elders in your family(alive/dead) and your parents
Anoit oil in your head
May the lady in your family or your mother pray and bless you for the Ganga Snaan and
Have an oil bath (Though my friend suggest Head&Shoulder, I prefer Arappu and Shikakai)
And then, ask people if they have had "Ganga Snaan"
Ganga Snaanam Aaiducha?
Ganga Snaanam Aiyindha?
Ganga Snaanam Aayo? (Correction needed)
Ganga Snaana Aaithaa?
Ganga Snaan Ho Gaya?
Ganga Snaan Thai Gyu?
Have you had the Holy Ganga Bath?

This is a very small step which shall reconnect you with our culture - OUR culture.

I'm sending this to very very sensible people in my mail list - whom I respect.

If you are going to wish people "Have you had the Holy Ganga Bath?", then just say a Hi in the blog

My way is the way of Truth,
My way is the way of Vedas,
My way is the way of Justice

May Indra always be victorious.

May God Be With You,
Baladheepak AC